Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou
Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou
The Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou was founded in 2004 aiming to provide services related to psychodrama training and application in various social settings in Greece and, especially, in the community of Thessaloniki.
The Centre is the outcome of Sofia Symeonidou’s professional career in the field of psychosocial support, which started twenty years ago.
In the course of time, encounters and partnerships with individuals and organizations working in the field of psychodrama have influenced and determined the identity of the Centre, which is characterized by a rich tapestry of multiculturalism and diversity.
The Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou is an organizational member of the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations (FEPTO) and a qualified training organization.
The Centre is located in downtown Thessaloniki (21, Politechniou Str.) and provides the necessary premises and an appropriate setting for its activities to unfold, as well as easy access for participants in programmes and services.
Wednesday January 17th, 2018