Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou

PCPD-Psychodramatic Center for Personality Development: PCPD was established in 2000 with the purpose of developing tools for mental health and balance through training individuals in psychodramatic methods and techniques. The main goals of PCPD are the following: The training of mental health specialists in psychodramatic methods and techniques, so that they become able to apply psychodrama as a complete therapeutic system and a system for self-knowledge and the development, with the collaboration of the necessary and specialised personnel, of services in the field of mental health suitable for individuals who are either in need or wish to develop characteristics and skills of their personality, through psychodrama, sociodrama, role playing or playback.


FEPTO-Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations: The Federation wishes to support the development of psychodrama training in Europe, and the Mediterranean countries, by promoting scientific and social exchanges between trainers and training institutes, to establish minimal training standards, to give ethical guidelines and to promote research.


The International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, IAGP is a worldwide network of professionals involved in the development and study of group psychotherapy and group process as applied to clinical practice, consultancy, education, scientific studies and socio-cultural settings.



The American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP) was founded in 1942 by J. L. Moreno, MD (1889-1974). ASGPP is the pioneer membership organization in group psychotherapy and continues to be a source and inspiration for ongoing developments in group psychotherapy, psychodrama, and sociometry.



ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth is a Non Governmental Organization, specializing in the social support of youth that are in difficulty or danger and in the advocacy of their rights. The main target is the prevention of youth marginalisation, the elaboration of policies which defend youth rights and the active social support towards disadvantaged young people.


Doctors of the World / Médecins du Monde – Greece (MdM-Greece), founded in 1990, is a medical humanitarian non-governmental organization and is a member of Médecins Du Monde International which consists of 16 delegations. The guiding principle underlying MdM’s activities is that every human being has a right to humanitarian assistance, irrespective of their gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, ideology or political persuasion.



Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Through our health, protection and emergency relief programmes, we provide assistance to over four million children and their families in more than 40 countries each year. In Greece, the needs amongst refugee and asylum-seeking children and their families remain high. Through our projects, we ensure their protection and promote their integration and social inclusion, while addressing the systemic issues and service gaps which affect the wider Greek population and other minority groups. Since 2016, we have been assisting children in detention and living on the street as well as victims of abuse.


The animonautes” [digital animated images] studio was formed in 2004 when two animators, Guy Brochard and Evgenia Tiktapanidou decided to join their expertise in 3D animation and digital movie. They provide 2D/3D animation and video production services for various fields (entertainment, commercial, space, science, technology…) and have an extended portfolio in the fields of space science and biotechnology.


Athens Psychodrama Institute (IPsA)
Nena Vlassa athenpsychodrama@yahoo.gr

Nikolaos Takis niktakis@gmail.com

Institute of Psychodrama and Sociotherapy (IPS) of the Open Psychotherapy Centre (OPC)
Natassa Karapostoli igaa-opc@otenet.gr

Psychodramatic Centre of Personality Development (PCPD)
Konstantinos Letsios kletsios@otenet.gr

Psychodrama Sector of Hellenic Association of Group Analysis & Psychotherapy (HAGAP)
Georgios Chaniotis hagap@otenet.gr